2020 Goals

Before getting to my 2020 goals, here are my numbers for the entire year.

  • Words written = 37,016
  • Submissions = 125
  • Rejections = 134
  • Acceptances = 1
  • Holds = 1
  • Publications = 2
  • Awards = 0
  • Withdrawals = 2

How does that compare to years past? The word count is way down and the lowest of the three years I’ve been writing. The submission total is almost identical to last year’s, while I have almost 30 more rejections in 2019. I had the same number of publications as 2018 but only a third of the acceptances (1 v. 3). The hold was my first, so I added that category in 2019.  Unfortunately, it eventually became a rejection.

The words written represent a hodgepodge of projects. In that 37,000, there were 12 flash fiction stories and one longer short story (about 5700 words). The rest went toward the work-in-progress novel and a short story I’m co-writing with a friend.

I was not pleased with the drop off in words written. I took on several more time consuming volunteer projects in 2019. Those ate into my writing time and will continue to do so into 2020. So I’m going back to my 2018 goal and see if I can’t hammer out 50,000 words in 2020. I already have 700 of those thanks to a flash fiction story idea that popped into my head on Monday.  Only 49,300 to go!

I’d like to stay at 100 submissions again. To do that, I think I’ll need some new material though. The old stories have made the rounds, and I’m running out of markets. I’m also toying with the idea of putting the old stories together into a collection this year. Now that will be a big project, but it will be great experience for when I want to self-publish the WIP.

I was more successful with my other goal in 2019: reading one book a month. Before kids, I’d read 2-3 books monthly but hadn’t had as much luck since. Last year, I not only had the goal of reading one a month but reading those books I already owned. Most of these reads were physical books, though I slipped in a few ebooks, again if I already owned them. I’m pleased to say I passed this goal and ended with 19 books read.

For 2020, I plan to do the same, except instead of one a month I plan to read several large tomes collecting dust on my shelves. These are the 1000+ pagers that are difficult to hold and impossible to carry around. I’ll set a goal of reading three of these and hopefully can slip a couple smaller ones in here and there.

That was my 2019 and my goals for 2020. How did you end last year, and where do you want to go this year?

4Q19 Update

The start of the new year is the time to look back and see how I did in 2020 (like every other writer, am I right?).  But first I want to review how the fourth quarter went.

  • Words written = 9263
  • Submissions = 29
  • Rejections = 27
  • Acceptances = 0
  • Holds = 0
  • Publications = 0
  • Awards = 0
  • Withdrawals = 1

The word count is almost exactly my quarterly average for 2019, which is much lower than my 2018 average.  The submissions and rejections were slightly down from my 2Q19 and 3Q19 numbers but in line with 1Q19.  The lone withdrawal was an odd one.  The market withdrew my submission stating it was closing its doors.  It’s the second time I’ve had a submission turned away because the market went belly up.  That’s more disheartening than a straight up rejection.

Once gain I didn’t have any acceptances, which is starting to weigh on me.  I’ll get to whether I achieved my acceptances goal in the next post, but (spoiler alert) I didn’t.

Most of the words this quarter went to the work-in-progress novel and were written during NaNoWriMo.  Actually, all but 50 words went to that.  The last 50 went to a dribble I wrote and submitted to a contest on a whim.  It was fun and may look to do more of those.  I already had the idea for a longer story and simply reduced it to 50 words.  I’m not a fan of writing anything lengthy on my phone, but there I was one night in bed furiously tapping with my thumbs and counting words over and over.  I still hope to expand the story to a longer form.

Next week, I’ll recap how all of 2019 went and set those goals for 2020.  How’d you finish off 2019?